"Spreek jý met die kinders van Israel en sê: Julle moet sekerlik my sabbatte onderhou, want dit is 'n teken tussen My en julle in julle geslagte, sodat die mense kan weet dat Ek die HERE is wat julle heilig." EXODUS 31:13
Studies rondom die Rusdag van die Here:
Hierdie is studies wat u sal antwoord op meeste van die verskillende vraagstukke rondom die ware Rusdag van die Here.
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Beskikbare bronne:
(Videos) Voorbeelde van die diere-en-insek wêreld wat op die sewendedag Sabbat rus:
Ander vrae en antwoorde:
Op watter Bybelse grondslag berus Sondagviering?
Het Jesus die Sabbat Gebod Gebreek?
Kan die ware sewende dag opgespoor word?
Kan ons nie enige ander dag van die week heilig hou nie?
Kan ons nie op die Sabbat rus en op die Sondag aanbid nie?
Beteken Hebreërs 4 nie dat Jesus ons Sabbat rus is nie?
Verdere vrae en antwoorde in Engels:
Doesn't Colossians 2:14 wipe out the weekly Sabbath?
Hasn't the calendar been changed?
Is it possible to obey the law?
Isn't 1 Corinthians 16:1–3 proof that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday?
Isn't there a new law of Christ?
Shouldn't we keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection?
The Sabbath command speaks of rest but not worship. Is it necessary to go to church on that day?
Wasn't the Sabbath made only for the Jews?
Wasn't the Sabbath only a memorial of deliverance from Egypt?
Christ, in fulfilling the moral law, abolished it.
We are required to keep the spirit of the law but not the letter (Romans 2:29 and 7:6).
If the seventh day really were the Sabbath, more thought leaders would believe it.
If you keep the seventh-day Sabbath, you should also keep the seventh year and the year of jubilee.
Aren't sabbath breakers supposed to be stoned? Why don't you enforce that?
10 Reasons Why the Sabbath is not Jewish
How the Sabbath Was Changed to Sunday
Rest In God - Keeping the Sabbath Holy
Separation of Church and State
Sunday Laws in America [Blue Laws]
The Sabbath and the Mark of the Beast
The Search for the Missing "Sunday" Text
Weighing the Evidence, which day is the Bible Sabbath? Saturday or Sunday?
What other denominations say about the Sabbath